Configuring Pi-hole v6 with a TLS certificate

Pi-hole v6 was recently released and adds support for HTTPS. In /etc/pihole/pihole.toml under the webserver.tls configuration block, the documentation mentions that Pi-hole expects the certificate and the key in the same .pem file.

Below is the relevant bit from pihole.toml

  # Path to the TLS (SSL) certificate file. All directories along the path must be
  # readable and accessible by the user running FTL (typically 'pihole'). This option is
  # only required when at least one of webserver.port is TLS. The file must be in PEM
  # format, and it must have both, private key and certificate (the *.pem file created
  # must contain a 'CERTIFICATE' section as well as a 'RSA PRIVATE KEY' section).
  # The *.pem file can be created using
  #     cp server.crt server.pem
  #     cat server.key >> server.pem
  # if you have these files instead
  # Possible values are:
  #     <valid TLS certificate file (*.pem)>
  cert = "/etc/pihole/tls.pem"

At the time of writing I have not found an deploy hook that would deploy the .pem that Pi-hole wants. I started to write one and may upstream it. Until then, we will do this manually. produces a fullchain.cer and a *.key so we create the .pem file with the following:

cd /var/lib/
cat fullchain.cer > /etc/pihole/tls.pem

Restart FTL with the following systemctl restart pihole-FTL and now the Pi-hole admin console should be secured with a certificate obtained via your favorite ACME client.


I am not using Pi-hole for DHCP and I am using a different domain for Pi-hole in this network (i.e.

Pi-hole will throw a CERTIFICATE_DOMAIN_MISMATCH warning (?) with the following message

SSL/TLS certificate /etc/pihole/tls.pem does not match domain pi.hole!

We can either ignore the warning or update the config. In the admin console:

  • Settings
  • All settings
  • Toggle the toggle at the top such that we see All Settings
  • Webserver and API
  • Update the value such that is is no longer pi.hole



